Tuesday, March 4, 2008

ER Visit

It finally happened. Joe is traveling and Joey needs a trip to the ER. He's "fine", by the way. Joey complained of an upset stomach for most of the weekend. I was gone (see entry below) and so I chalked it up to a late night at a birthday party. However, by Sunday night when he was complaining that his back hurt and his stomach still hurt and I was remember that he didn't get in the pool to swim on Saturday my mommy instinct began to worry.

Monday morning he was up for school and seemed fine... so off he went. I picked the boys up from the bus and Stefan was across the street first... "Mom, Joey's sick." Uh, oh... I turned to see him white, wincing, head down, headed home as fast as he could. When I entered the house he was SCREAMING and kicking in pain from his stomach. I looked at Stefan and Em, told them to grab a snack and get in the car. We were headed to the doctor.

We checked in to the same day clinic and were told it would be a 2 hour wait. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? So we waited for 15 minutes as Joey is on the floor writhing around, (but not screaming because that would be embarrassing.) I decided to walk over to his doctor and see if they could get him in... NO. However, (she says), if he is in that much pain they need to see him, so let them know. I head back to Joey still on the floor and then the MOMMY kicked in. In I went to the "gals" and pleaded my case. Okay, I know better than to get all huffy, because that gets you no where. So I calmly with a whisper voice pleaded for my son and pointed to where he was... still on the floor flinging himself. Hum... within 4 minutes a nurse (a real nurse) was out to get us. Within 10 minutes in comes a REAL doctor. The doctor is concerned. The first thought in everyone's mind is his appendix. However, he was complaining of the pain in the middle of his stomach, so it wasn't adding up. The doctor wants to ultra sound him, but of course, it is now 5 o'clock and the clinic is closing and he doesn't have any equipment to use. So my choice is to go home and hope for the best (remember... Joe traveling, three kids, etc) or head over to the ER. Off we go with our transfer papers to the ER.

Now, since I have transfer papers I think that I will get right in... WRONG. Another 1 1/2 hour wait (In the meantime, I have tried calling for help. Stefan and Em need to be somewhere else as they are BORED. So, here comes Mr. Jeff to the rescue. Scoops up Stefan and Em and heads to the freedom farm with them.) Finally, it is our turn. Joey gets a room, pee's in a cup, a night gown, and his own REMOTE CONTROL (so cool, in his words). And we wait. I am forced to watch Arena Football and Basketball and SpongeBob. Which I can't stand, but the kids is in pain.

Finally a Doctor. He checks him... pretty sure the appendix is okay as he is not in any pain on the sides of the tummy... just the middle. He listens to the middle and says... it's full. Full of what? You know... So we're off to an xray to make sure that there isn't anything else... obstruction, etc. Then he informs me that in 98% of boys who come in with this the problem is actually that they don't always finish going to the bathroom and they get "backed-up". Oh, I say, does that happen in a weekend? NO, in the course of a year. WHAT?!?!?!? Okay, what do we do? You take medicine for 3 months or so that helps keep everything on course and retrains the bladder. Off to the xray. Joey is thrilled. He gets to ride in the bed down the hallway. So cool for a 7 year old. He gets to go up on the bed, move over to the next bed, have a cool picture taken (will it hurt? should I smile... so cute) and then back over to his bed, back down the hallway and the technician (being very cool) lets him push the big button to swing the doors open so he can be pushed on through.

Then, we WAIT. Kids are screaming, Joey is watching TV and I'm exhausted. Finally, Doctor arrives and says... no obstruction... bladders is full, but not "backed-up" ... so he has a virus. Eventually, somethings going to happen... okay so now I take him home, feed him "easy" foods and wait for the "event". All he can say is, "I'm hungry... can you make me an egg salad sandwich." Which I do as soon as we retrieve Stefan and Em.

6am... Joey is in my bed writhing in pain and after about 10 minutes, it subsides. All we can do is wait.

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