Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baseball has FINALLY begun!

The rain stopped and baseball practice could finally happen. The boys were so excited. Joey had a headache so he sat out (actually slept in the car). Stefan ran out on the field... skinny little kid... ready to play. One of the "dad" coaches bent down on one knee and threw him the ball. He bobbled it, but finally got it. He then threw it back. The coach had to jump up quickly to retrieve the zinging ball out of the air. They turned and looked at me with "that look". I smiled. A few more catches and throws and then... you know, that kid has an arm. Stefan was beaming.

About 1/2 an hour into practice Joey made it out of the car... in his crocks he asked me for his mit and says, "My heads at about a "5", where's my mit?" I chuckled... A) I didn't bring your mit, B) you have crocks on and C) your not playing with your head at a "5". You can, however, sit in the dugout and watch practice. So there I sat with my boy as he sized up the team. He leaned over casually and said, "Stefan's not bad; we've been practicing." I smiled... he can't wait to get out there next time and show them what he's got.

And where was Emmi? Somehow the stars aligned and the boys practice on the field right next to the big play structure. She immediately found a friend (a sister of one of the boys on the baseball team) and played and chatted the girls ear off for an hour.

1 comment:

Karmyn R said...

B's first practice is tonight - and I am not impressed with the coach. (last year we played in Corvallis - this year Albany, which isn't as organized.) oh well. I'm sure he'll have fun even though I might be gritting teeth.

Great that Stefan has a big brother to help him practice!!