It's Monday again... it is cold in the house, coffee is brewing and all is still. There aren't many moments like this, so I treasure them.
Joey was up coughing again last night until after 10... I think a run to the doctor is now in order today. He coughs during the day, but not frequently and it is controlled. At night, he almost goes into a panic attack. He just got up, coughing lightly, but looks tired.
Stefan was out before his head hit the pillow. I don't know how he slept through Joey's coughing. They sang at church yesterday. They did well. We came home, ate lunch, played with Jeep and then I dropped them off at Karla's house to play. They loved it. I ran into Lake Oswego to pick up many boxes of donated picture frames for the preschool. One more thing to add to my garage. Actually, we are thrilled for the frames... they will make for some nice projects and they will go to the preschool for storage... as soon as I can find a spot.
Emmi couldn't sleep. Imagine that... she didn't want to. I let her get in my bed and she was out instantly. In her world it's "not fair" that they boys get to sleep in the same room and she is all by herself. This is her new ploy!
All in all, a good weekend. Swim lessons went well. We picked up a friends 3 kids to play Saturday afternoon. They just moved and needed some time to get organized. So, here I was with 6 kids ages 7 and under and 2 dogs... thank goodness it didn't rain. All of us took a walk with Jeep... I'm sure that I looked like a crazy person headed down the road!
So with Monday brings errands, appointments, teaching, parties this week (Valentine's Day is Thursday), etc. Oh, and just to prove my momminess... I baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookies Sunday afternoon.