More snow today and we are preparing for ice... yuck. We are hiding in our warm house. We have plenty of books, movies, baking and craft projects to work on...
Today it is snowing... here are pictures of our morning playing in the white fun. Jeep with Emmi. That is Molly running... she loves the snow!
Yesterday we did head into Portland to the MAC. Joey swam and Stefan shot hoops for almost an hour on the court. We then ventured to Target to do a little shopping for some less fortunate kids. Each of the kids had a child to buy a present for. They did a good job.
Today we expect Daddy to fly in. We have a couple of steaks waiting for him to grill. I think that we attempt to make cookies... peanut blossoms... one of Daddy's favorites.
Fun Times at our house. After much threat of a winter storm (which skipped us), we finally had a little snow fall. They boys played football (just like Lambeau is what I heard them say) and then it melted and Mommy had to go to work. So we all loaded up and headed to work and then they canceled Vancouver schools. We still aren't sure why as the roads were completely clear... but the weatherman had threatened freezing rain (which didn't come). By 4pm the snow was gone. But then we woke this morning to snow... still not a ton, but more than yesterday. The boys' school closed yesterday for today... what? crazy! We'll see what happens.
Here is Joey in his new favorite reading spot... by the warmth of the pellet stove. It's been running all week.
This was our last Christmas family night at the preschool. We've been to 6 of them over the years... 2 for Joey, 2 for Stefan and Emmi has had 3 (She and Stefan overlapped for 1 of them.) Because I play the role of Mommy and Teacher for the night, it is always crazy and busy, however, when I look back at the pictures I'm filled with much emotion.
Beautiful Emmi and her beautiful friend Claire(both with their sparkly tights)... there is little man peeking around the back. Too cute!
The boys performed in the Winter Concert at school. They both did a great job singing and having fun!
Joey singing... there was a solo by a third grade girl (who happened to be the music teachers daughter) I found out that Joey tried out for the solo. Good for you!
Third Grade classes.
Stefan singing. They learned some American Sign Language for one of their songs.
It is 9 1/2 feet tall and it is beautiful! Joe did a great job picking out this one. It is now fully decorated... in the above photo is wasn't complete.